DART & Luas Map Illustrates Dublin Rental Prices

A map of Luas and DART stops, published by Daft on Friday, highlights the most and least expensive areas to live in Dublin. According to the maps, commuters living on the LUAS green line in Dublin pay on average €1,553 a month in rent.
The average cost to rent a property close to a DART station is €1,530, while renters on average pay €1,422 to live close to one of the new Luas green line extension stops. Average rent on the Luas red line is the lowest of the two combined rail networks (€1,357).
In sharp contrast, the highest rent for any individual stop or station is on the Luas red line where renters pay €1,920 per month to live close to the Spencer Dock stop. Commuters living close to the coast pay a premium with Sandymount (€1,908) and Dalkey (€1,856) – both on the DART – completing the top three most expensive slots.
Of the stations featured on the map, only Cheeverstown (€950) has average rents that are below the €1,000 mark.
On the Luas green line – homes close to Milltown (€1,624) and Cowper command the highest rents, meanwhile those living in the City centre pay the most on the Luas red line with Spencer Dock (€1,80 ) and George’s Dock (€1,648) topping the list.
“As seen in our DART & Luas House Price map; convenience and affordability are two key concerns for nearly everyone who lives and works in Dublin,” Martin Clancy from Daft.ie said. “What is interesting is that while the Luas green line has the most overall expensive average rents, the Milltown stop is only the 11th most expensive on this new map. The highest individual premiums are being paid for city centre locations on the Luas red line and southside coastal properties close to the DART.”
The figures shown are average rents for 2 bed apartment controlling for time, size and type for each of the stations on the DART & Luas lines. The sample of over 16,000 properties for rent comes from the period between January and November 2016.
The full-sized map can be seen here.