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Flanders tenders three road PPPs

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Flanders tenders three road PPPs

Flanders tenders three road PPPs
September 16
14:41 2024

The government of Flanders has issued contract notices for three road projects worth over €3 billion.

Flemish agency De Werkvennootschap is seeking pre-qualifications the Noord-Zuid Limburg, Rond Ronse, and  R0-Noord Zone Zaventem road projects.

Each availability-based public-private partnership (PPP) agreement is for the design, construction, and financing of the Project and its maintenance for a maximum period of 30 years from the completion of the construction phase.

Responses are due for the estimated €1.25 billion R0 Noord Zone Zaventem PPP by 26th November 2024, the €1.16 billion Noord-Zuid Limburg by 27 November 2024, and the €700 million Rond Ronse – boortunnelproject by 25th November 2024.

The Werkvennootschap is a public law company and its objective is the accelerated and coordinated realisation of infrastructure works through integrated project management. The Werkvennootschap’s mission is to realise and facilitate complex mobility infrastructure of strategic importance for the Flemish Region and public law legal entities, including the optimisation of the R0, Brabantnet, R4 East – West, Raising of the Albert Canal bridges, N60 Ronse, North – South Limburg, etc., including the design, financing, construction and, where appropriate, the maintenance or management of this infrastructure. The first focus will be on the optimisation of the R0 and mobility around Brussels.

The Werkvennootschap was established by the Flemish Government to coordinate the efforts of the various Flemish mobility players and tackle major infrastructure works in an accelerated and integrated manner. The Werkvennootschap is a restart of Via-Invest and combines knowledge and expertise that grew within the Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) and the Agency for Roads and Traffic (AWV).

For more information go to


The third European Infrastructure Conference takes place in Dublin on 14th November 2024.

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