Coveney announces two-week extension for submissions on National Planning Framework Ireland 2040 – Our Plan

Minister Simon Coveney has announced that he has extended the public consultation phase of the National Planning Framework Ireland 2040 – Our Plan, from 16th March to Friday 31st March 2017.
Since the national consultation for the preparation of the Plan began on 2nd February, the Minister and his officials have had extensive engagement with stakeholders on the topic of Ireland 2040, in the form of the National launch, three Regional launches and five events in third level institutes around the country. An additional two events are also planned as a means of discussing what the aspirations are for Ireland’s future and how Ireland might look in 2040.
For those who have been unable to make a submission at this stage in the process but plan to do so, anyone intending to make a submission by 31st March is asked to email on or before the 16th March indicating that they intend to make a submission before the new closing date.
Written submissions can be made online through the website, by email to or in writing to NPF Submissions, Forward Planning Section, Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1, D01 W6X0 by 12 noon on Friday 31st March 2017.
Full details are available on and views and opinions received will be used to shape a draft copy of the Plan which is likely to issue for further consultation prior to the summer. After incorporation of the public’s views, a final version of the Plan is likely to be submitted to Government in the autumn.