€36 Million Investment in Last Phase of Summer Works Scheme set to Commence

Good news for construction related industries across the country with last week’s update on the Schools Summer Works Scheme.
The final phase of the scheme will allow 559 schools to complete work such as window repair and replacement, upgrading of science and specialist rooms and external improvements, such as upgrading of school perimeter fences and walls. This welcome investment brings to €108 million the amount made available by the Summer Works Scheme since last year.
Speaking about the announcement, the Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’ Sullivan stated:
“This is positive news for schools. It will also provide an important capital injection to the construction sector and boost job creation. In 2015, my Department will invest more than €450 million in school infrastructure. It’s an important investment that needs to continue as our economy recovers.”
The final stage funding will complete the remaining four of the ten total categories that all applications were prioritised into.
446 primary schools will avail of €24m of the total while 113 post-primary projects will avail of €12m. Tenders are generally released around May with the aim of works commencing in June/July when schools are closed so as to minimise disruption. Most of these projects fall between values of 50-100k.
CIS are planning to release a detailed report in early May listing all the schools involved in this scheme and the people to contact. This is the perfect opportunity for small scale businesses to generate leads and secure work for the summer months.