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Fingal County Council Commences Procurement For Development of Ballymastone Site

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Fingal County Council Commences Procurement For Development of Ballymastone Site

Fingal County Council Commences Procurement For Development of Ballymastone Site
October 23
13:40 2018

Fingal County Council, as part of its commitment to increasing the supply of private and public housing in the County and creating sustainable communities, has commenced procurement for the development of a site at Ballymastone, Donabate, Countyy Dublin. This is the next step in an ongoing process and follows on from the Market Soundings which the Council carried out in August.

The Ballymastone Development delivers on the objectives of the Donabate Local Area Plan 2016–2022 to provide housing, and seeks to provide a mixed tenure residential development by advancing the project from the planning stage, as outlined in the Donabate LAP, to implementation.

The development will be in accordance with the Fingal County Development Plan 2017–2023 and the Donabate Local Area Plan 2016–2022, both of which have undergone extensive public consultation, and which identify the strategic spatial planning issues and the vision for structured development and balanced growth for Donabate.

The Development Site is expected to deliver approximately 1,000–1,200 residential units with an indicated tenure mix of 60% private housing, 20% private discounted housing and 20% social housing. All documents relating to the procurement will be accessible through the etenders website

The development will be subject to the statutory planning process, which will provide another opportunity for public consultation within this ongoing process, and the site will be developed to the urban design and phasing requirements of the Donabate LAP and include the delivery of supporting social and physical infrastructure.

Fingal County Council recognises the role that Donabate plays in the wider Fingal region with its potential to support a high quality of life which offers culture and heritage, access to the coast, waterways, the city and the airport. The Council is focused on delivering a successful and sustainable community through the provision of social and physical infrastructure and improving connections between new and existing communities.

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