Limerick to consider SMART housing programme delivery

Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) seeks to procure a multi-disciplinary team to inform the short-term modular affordable rental transition (“SMART”) Housing Programme.
The Limerick Mayoral Programme 2024-2029 outlines a clear vision and objective to address the immediate housing shortage through the deployment of short-term, modular “SMART” housing solutions, which will provide affordable rental options as a transitional measure on short life sites as they await the permanent long-term housing solutions.
This plan prioritises innovative and sustainable approaches, such as modular housing units, aiming to deliver up to several 1,000s of units depending on demand in the local housing market being unmet by traditional methods of delivery in the short to medium term.
‘SMART’ stands for short-term modular affordable rental transition housing.
The goal is to begin by activating state lands and establish infrastructure that enables future expansions, ensuring that new residents can integrate into existing or developing communities promptly. This model will also work with large employers/educational institutions who are prepared to invest in land activation for their workforce/students.
Additionally, the plan will leverage upcoming major events, like the Ryder Cup, to accelerate key infrastructure projects, such as modular accommodation for workers, which can be repurposed for Limerick’s housing stock to alleviate housing pressure.
Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) seeks to procure a multi-disciplinary team to prepare a Preliminary Business Case in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Public Expenditure Infrastructure Guidelines December 2023.
The objective of the preliminary Business Case is to inform as to whether relocatable modular volumetric based solutions are a cost-effective delivery method for the short-term provision of affordable rental homes, compared to other delivery options available.
Even if potentially more expensive, the Preliminary Business Case will further evaluate whether, given the potential to rapidly increase supply in the short term, any higher cost per unit is justified by the broader societal or economic benefits. These could include curbing the overall rise in rents, or even reducing them in the Limerick area, which would, in turn, lower market prices for purchasing units.
Additionally, the ability to provide housing for a growing population that cannot be accommodated through other delivery options will also be considered. Residual value after an initial use term will be an important element in the Preliminary Business Case analysis of any relocatable housing options.
The Preliminary Business Case will include financing options, risk assessment, allowance for optimism bias and full risk management strategy and proposed approach to procurement.
The Closing Date for Quotations is 12 November 2024.
The tender comes as Mayor of Limerick John Moran has unveiled an ambitious shared vision for the future of Limerick City and County with the publication (14 October) of the Limerick Mayoral Programme 2024-2029, titled More for Limerick.
This comprehensive 134-page document outlines the Mayor’s vision and objectives for his term in office, as mandated by the Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2024.
Mayor Moran says the finalised programme is a reflection of the views of the community and the priorities and hopes of elected councillors and officials who contributed to its formation.
He expressed his gratitude to councillors for their wisdom and suggestions and said a unity of purpose will reap rewards for Limerick:
“I am most grateful for the constructive input into the formation of this critical document for Limerick. Delivering the Limerick described in the document will also require us to get our fair share from the organs of national government, and from the national agencies who also have a responsibility to help us succeed. We will all need to work together to pull the various levers to achieve this.
“I set out what I believe to be the best path to creating a new Limerick. The ideas and actions set out hereafter will guide my hands for the next five years of my term. The initiatives outlined within aim to address the most pressing needs across Limerick, including housing, infrastructure, economic, and community development, while also aligning with the broader objectives of national and regional policy frameworks,” said Mayor Moran.
The document states that Limerick needs to use innovative financing means and accelerated delivery focus to construct Smart housing,
To leverage public wealth of Limerick the document also notes Limerick will need to introduce mechanisms to improve public finances sources and also use public-private partnerships that encourage the private sector to invest in the development of public assets, such as revitalising old buildings, improving transportation networks and creating green spaces.