Minister for Justice Secures €93m Additional Capital Funding for Justice Projects in 2024-2026

The Minister for Justice has successfully secured an additional €93 million in capital funding under the National Development Plan (NDP) for crucial justice projects over the next three years.
Among the key initiatives to benefit from this funding are the construction of state-of-the-art Garda stations in Portlaoise, Clonmel, Macroom, and Bailieborough. These projects, identified as strategic priorities for An Garda Síochána, are expected to have a significant positive impact on the local communities they serve.
Furthermore, funding has been allocated to An Garda Síochána for the potential purchase of up to 15 additional electric vehicles and two public order vehicles in 2024, further enhancing the operational capabilities of the force.
Additionally, ongoing support is being provided for the construction of new Family Law Courts at Hammond Lane through Public-Private Partnership (PPP). Funding has also been earmarked for the Courts Service to undertake IT modernization projects, site acquisitions, capital works, and sustainability initiatives.
The Department of Justice is committed to implementing its IT Strategy, and additional funding has been allocated for this purpose over the 2024-2026 period. Moreover, resources will be directed towards supporting the establishment of the new Gambling Regulator and enhancing Immigration Service IT systems.
This substantial investment underscores the government’s commitment to improving the justice infrastructure, enhancing operational capabilities, and modernizing IT systems to ensure the efficient delivery of justice services across Ireland.