Construction Business provides updates on the projects and developments shaping the industry and the organisations that shape our industry events including the Biopharma & Life Sciences, the National Construction Summit, the European Infrastructure Conference, the National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition, the Scotland Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expo, and the Power & Energy Conference. For more information on our events go to:
Maynooth Eastern Ring Road tendered
Kildare County Council seeks contractor for road project in association with the Housing Infrastructure Services Company (HISCo).
The European Commission has signed the concession contract for the Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite (IRIS²), a multi-orbital constellation of 290 satellites, with the SpaceRISE consortium.
Ministers O’Brien and Dillon announce commencement of revised Housing Adaptation Grants of up to €40,000
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, and Minister of State for Local Government and Planning, Alan Dillon TD jointly announced increased funding in housing grants for older people and those with a disability.