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Permanent Met Lidars at Irish Wind Farms

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Permanent Met Lidars at Irish Wind Farms

Permanent Met Lidars at Irish Wind Farms
September 13
09:57 2019

ZX Lidars has delivered ZX 300’s to Statkraft Ireland for the purpose of assisting with operational wind farm monitoring including power performance tests through to the provision of wind measurements for production forecasting/reporting. The use of wind Lidars in this capacity reduces the working at height and planning requirements associated with traditional met masts.

In addition, Lidars can measure to higher heights across the full wind turbine rotor, and with greater certainty over long periods of time.

ZX Lidars provides vertical and horizontal profiling wind Lidars to accurately measure wind conditions remotely and above or ahead of their installed position up to several hundred metres. These accurate, independent wind measurements are a cornerstone in the development, construction and operation of wind farms globally.

Statkraft Ireland is part of Statkraft,  Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy,  which develops, owns and operates renewable production facilities in Ireland. Statkraft Ireland has many years of experience both in the wind sector and also with Lidar technology including ZX Lidars technology.

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