RIAI Welcomes The National Planning Framework

The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) has welcomed the introduction of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and highlights that an investment in quality architecture and urban design in realising these plans will have a positive impact on the economy as well as the health and wellbeing of Ireland’s citizens. The level of social inclusion and the attractiveness of the country for FDI through the creation of a quality built environment is vital to the success of the NPF.
In planning for the future, we must be both ambitious and realistic to ensure that public projects deliver guaranteed sustainable and long term value. We need cost effect delivery methods which focus on certainty and quality of outcome. Ireland cannot afford to take actions that result in any poor quality development decisions. It is imperative that procurement, planning and regulatory systems are focused on championing quality in the built environment that positions Ireland as a leader in international best practice in sustainable, quality, value driven development.
The RIAI believes that the National Development Regeneration Authority, Regional Authorities and Local Authorities should therefore be resourced and charged with ensuring a controlled and phased flow of investment through the life of the NPF to deliver infrastructure to support thriving towns, cities and villages and vibrant urban living for the expanding population.