A PERFECT STORM (literally, in some cases) of factors have conspired to turn up the pressure on Ireland’s housebuilders. Building sites have reopened, a wave of price inflation has hit
Tag "building"

The planning was approved last July for the development of Boland’s Quay, which is situated at the Boland’s Mill site in Dublin’s Docklands. That significant progress has been made on
The regulation of planning, the burning issues of housing supply and planning, sustainable retail and town centre development, are among the topics set to be discussed at the Irish Planning
Dublin’s major office block has been given to continue. The €80 million Nama-funded Exo Building at the Point Village has been granted accreditation by Dublin City Council. 350 construction jobs will
The new Bishop’s Gate Hotel has opened its doors. This 31 bed hotel adds considerable luxury accommodation and services to the tourist and local offering in the city. This hotel
ERSI report shows apartment building has all but ground to a halt in Dublin, despite an increasing demand for homes and sharply rising prices. The Economic and Social Research Institute