The Cita BIM Gathering 2015 : an overwhelming success

The Construction IT Alliance (Cita) held a world-class BIM event last week (12th – 13th November), at The Gibson Hotel. The “Cita BIM Gathering 2015 – An Integrated Future” was described by delegates as one of the best international BIM events of 2015 (Building Information Modeling).
The Gathering, to the observer, shows that construction is a highly technological and scientific industry that is going through a revolution.
Those who refuse to adapt will fall behind. BIM brings with it efficiencies and effectiveness which will bring great change to the industry. BIM is not the only technology advance. There are great advances in manufacturing, the internet of things, and robotics.
Having had a look at the forefront of industry, and research and development left attendees with much to consider. Construction is changing. It is not going to be the slow changing industry it has been branded as. It will be efficient and effective. It will be considered “modern” in popular culture.
The next CitA BIM Gathering will take place in 2017.