The Digital Hub to Progress Plans For Digital Technology Quarter During 2019

The Digital Hub, Ireland’s largest and most established cluster of technology, digital media and internet companies, sees 2019 as a pivotal year in which its vision to create a diverse and creative digital technology quarter in Dublin 8 gathers momentum. The emergence of creative digital media and healthtech enterprise sub-clusters within the campus is set to continue and build on the existing companies from these specialist sectors already located in The Digital Hub. 2019 will also see work progress on the development of a masterplan for The Digital Hub’s 2.6 acre ‘Windmill Site’, located on the northside of Thomas Street, Dublin 8.
The site incorporates the well-known landmark of St. Patrick’s Tower and two of The Digital Hub’s flagship office spaces, ‘Digital Depot’ and ‘The Grainstore’. Work on the masterplan for the ‘Windmill Site’ will be conducted on a phased basis with the initial focus on completing a cost benefit analysis and feasibility study for the site. It is expected that the masterplan will be concluded by the end of 2019 and will likely comprise of a mixed-use development including potential for a public space amenity.
Following the expansion of existing companies based within The Digital Hub, the cluster now numbers over 70 established businesses, employing almost 750 people as at the beginning of January 2019. In the past 12 months, eight new companies moved into The Digital Hub.
The Digital Hub currently has just over 70,000 sq ft of useable office space located across nine buildings, with a current occupancy rate of approx. 85%.
The Digital Hub Development Agency is the Irish state agency that manages The Digital Hub. The Agency was established by the Irish Government under the Department of Communications, Climate Change and Environment and plays a key part in supporting the implementation of the National Digital Strategy.